
Talk about everything related to CoCoNet or Colonial Conquest!

Moderator: Kroah


Postby Kroah » 19 Jul 2012, 23:28

You need Microsoft DirectX 9.0c, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1 to play CoCoNet. You can install them separately or let the installer do it for you.

- Map Editor manual
- Custom AI documentation
- Custom map XML format documentation

CoCoNet 1.2.1 (2020-11-07)
- Fixed: DeviceLostException was not handled properly in some obscure cases.

CoCoNet 1.2.0 (2015-03-30)
- New: Custom map based on the Amiga game Kingdom of Englands.
- New: Custom AI named Kroah which tries to enhance many aspects of the vanilla AI.
- New: A new transparent filling method when conquering areas.
- Fixed: Private messages are now correctly spelled.
- Fixed: Crash when giving up after the end of turn.
- Fixed: Purple navy buttons are now correctly disabled when moving to an inner area.
- Fixed: Cancelling an army move order when all navy are already moved does not trigger anymore the popup message "No more navy to move".
- Fixed: Many more small bugs.

CoCoNet 1.0.2 (2012-07-18)
- Fixed: Crash when minimizing with the statistics window open.
- Fixed (?): Crash when another application has exclusive access to the 3D graphics device.
- Fixed: Potential crash when configuration file was updated.
- Fixed: Set server frequency back to 200 Hz (from 20 Hz).
- Fixed: Initial owned areas weren't added to the owner "known areas".

Map Editor:
- Fixed: Error message are now truncated.
- Fixed: Validation now checks for region without areas.
- Fixed: The last area of a region cannot be removed.
- Fixed: New areas have RandomPattern set to false.
- New: Fills can now be previewed in the map editor.
- New: After clicking on preview (for patterns or fills), the map will stay read only until reloaded to prevent inconsistencies.
- New: "Save changes" dialog box before quitting, (re)loading and previewing.
- New: Areas name, army, navy, worth, score & terrain can now be edited in the map editor.
- New: "Mass Entry" feature allows to set a value without opening the dialog box.
- New: According to the selected tool, layers are automatically displayed.

CoCoNet 1.0.1 (2012-07-13)
Fixed: Spelling in the winner dialog box (reported by Christine)
Fixed (?): Crash after clicking on the Host or Join button
New: "Move army" & "move navy" menu items are replaced by a single "Move strength" entry (suggestion from cr1x)
New: "Move army" & "move navy" windows are replaced by a single "Move strength" window
New: If the only available action on an area is "Move strength", then the move window appears without having to click in the popup menu first
New: Additional "<" & ">" buttons in the move strength window to speed up transfer (suggestion from Christine, cr1x & dizt3mp3r)
New: Additional "<" & ">" buttons in the build strength window to speed up purchase
New: Statistics window now shows a legend at the top (suggestion from Christine)

CoCoNet 1.0.0 (2012-06-27)
Fixed: Many bug-fixes
New: Enhanced network engine
New: Enhanced lobby
New: Check for new version on startup
New: Map information window (lobby & ingame)
New: Finishing a turn triggers a sound to other players
New: Moves can be canceled
New: Area tooltip displays the attacking major
New: MetaServer keeps data of old games
New: Left click interface option
New: Mute sound option
New: Disable memorizing statistics option
New: Custom map support
New: Custom map is downloaded when joining a game
New: Custom map format and integrity checks on load
New: Custom map editor
New: Custom map patterns/flags/boats/factory sprites support

CoCoNet 0.9.14 (2010-05-17)
Fixed: x64 compatibility.

CoCoNet 0.9.13 (2010-01-30)
New: Double clicking on a row in the Internet games list or LAN games list auto-join the game.
New: The LAN games tab lists all available CoCoNet servers in local network (uses UDP ports 10415 and 10416).
Fixed: Missing some unicode glyphs.
Fixed: Exception when client disconnected during game configuration.
Fixed: Some minor bugs.

CoCoNet 0.9.12 (2010-01-04)
New: Hosted games are automatically registered to a centralized metaserver (via http port 80), allowing players to join without knowing server address and port.
Fixed: Timer bug with auto-close messages boxes.
Fixed: "Winner" & "Lost" auto-close message boxes were not showing up when auto-end turn was checked.

CoCoNet 0.9.11 (2009-12-28)
New: Moved from DirectSound to XNA Audio.
New: Warning icon if not enough texture memory for Zoom 2X.
New: Default name and server address to "NoName" and "localhost".
Fixed: Bad system chat font color for GDI+.

CoCoNet 0.9.10 (2009-12-22)
New: Optional (but recommended) Direct3D rendering mode.
New: Check for a compatible Direct3D device.
New: Game types are now listed in a list box instead of a combo box.
New: Server name removed.
New: "Force attack" check box allows the army or navy move to attack even if the target owner has changed.
New: Global "Forces attack" menu option added.
New: Build phase name changed to "BUILD & MOVE PHASE".
New: Players can give up (they become spectators).
New: Spectators can leave the game without interrupting it.
New: Eliminated players become spectators with "auto end turn" option checked by default.
New: Game does not end when there is 1 player left.
New: Game does not end when a player wins.
New: Little chat system (use /PlayerName or /MajorName to send private messages).

Fixed: Some area names were tuncated in the area pop up info box.
Fixed: "Begin cannot be called again until End has been successfully called".
Fixed: "aiType isn't initialized" when loading a savegame.
Fixed: Minor country flags slightly more visible (less transparent).
Fixed: Games were not correctly saved client side.
Fixed: Games were not correctly saved the first round after a load.

CoCoNet 0.9.9 (2009-11-12)
- New: Fullscreen mode is back.
- New: Window fully sizable.
- Fixed: Zoom 2x is now only available for devices supporting big textures (> 2048x2048).

CoCoNet 0.9.8 (2009-11-11)
- New: Compatibility with "conditional power of 2" devices.

CoCoNet 0.9.7 (2009-11-07)
- New: Diplomacy phase to resolve treaties.
- New: Subversion phase.
- New: Video cards Direct3D requirement lowered.
- Fixed: Economic Aids not correctly serialized (existing save games will not be compatible).

CoCoNet 0.9.6 (2009-10-25)
- Major feature: Client & Server program merged with new "Join & Host" form.
- Major feature: Custom AI compiled at run time.
- Major feature: Custom AI files sent from the server to the clients if needed.
- Major feature: Vanilla AI available (XL & ST).
- Major feature: Option to select distinct AI for each Computer.
- Major feature: Option to select the scenario (Standard, 1880 & 1914).
- Major feature: Load & Save game feature with auto save every turn.
- Major feature: Direct3D via XNA instead of GDI+ to improve framerate.
- Major feature: Zoomed map for high resolution screen.
- Major feature: Added the Economic Aid Phase.
- Major feature: Tried to keep the original combat feeling.
- Minor feature: Improved the Wartable.
- Minor feature: Added a balloon tooltip when hovering a value in the statistics window.
- Minor feature: "Ratio / $100,000" becomes "Kills for $100,000".
- Fixed bug: Personal army statistics were displayed instead of navy statistics.
- Fixed bug: Army and navy estimated cost not computed correctly.
- Fixed bug: Decimal values weren't displayed correctly.

CoCoNet 0.9.5 (2008-03-25)
- Minor feature: Tried to keep the original AI feeling.
- Minor feature: Added a confirmation box when trying to close the main window.
- Minor feature: Added a volume property in the config file.
- Minor feature: Sound is now played when application is inactive.
- Minor feature: Added 3 new informations at the top left corner of the map (number of unfortified areas, no army or navy to move).
- Minor feature: Added a new message box to start the combat phase.
- Minor feature: Added a new message box when the game is over.
- Fixed bug: Status panel not always updated correctly.
- Fixed bug: Mouse cursor not updated correctly outer an in-game window.
- Fixed bug: Zone owner not updated correctly after a conquest.
- Fixed bug: Auto focus in combat phase was sometimes mistakenly called.
- Fixed bug: The game over sound wasn't triggered correctly.

CoCoNet 0.9.4 (2008-03-18)
- Initial release
Last edited by Kroah on 02 Nov 2009, 18:11, edited 3 times in total.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006, 01:01
Location: France

Re: Changelog

Postby Kroah » 02 Nov 2020, 20:31

CoCoNet 1.2.1 (2020-11-02)
- Fixed: DeviceLostException was not handled properly in some obscure cases.
Site Admin
Posts: 430
Joined: 07 Feb 2006, 01:01
Location: France

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