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AI conquers neutral too fast

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008, 00:04
by Kroah
Monty wrote:The cpu seems to be much more aggressive in conquering minor countries.
I don't think i like that. because you have absolutely no chance against the strong majors by playing a weak one (like japan). you know, your only advantage was to conquer minor countries faster than the cpu-majors, but now they are as fast or even faster AND have the better factors...

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008, 00:04
by Kroah
I really don’t know if i must deliberately lower the AI when he conquers neutral areas. The default level 4 AI of CoCoNet is really tougher than the ST one. He has the same bonus but better uses its army (Reinforcement, converge attack force…).

If after several games, we find that the AI is still too strong at the beginning and easier after the expansion phase, I will tweak it like you said.

I want (and try) to have the AI at a constant difficulty along the game.