Welcome Symoon!
Symoon wrote:This looks absolutely amazing !
I had begun working on Colonial Conquest for Oric, long ago. I made some graphics and had begun analyzing the saved games; but finally dropped it because I didn't have enough spare time (and honestly not the programming skills either).
Glad to see another 'CoCo' fan
You're right about the spare time. That's why i don't give any deadline. Sincerly, i've almost finished. Last 2 weeks i was on a f*king bug. Here's the story:
Each client (and the server which is the authority) runs its own simulation and without any reason, the simulations became out of sync after around 20 turns... I checked everything: the random seed, the independance of each country thread using the simulation. To find the bug, i implemented a checksum check for each object between the simulations... and i got it. It was a badly named variable (a typo) used by one country thread accessed by another country thread of the same simulation and the execution order of each thread may gives different results on different simulations. Now it's really stable.
I know few people may understand the above explanation about the implementation of simulations in each clients (without client side prediction ,nor rollback, nor latency compensation) but who knows
Symoon wrote:That would be great if, once the work is finished, the algorithms could be made available for adaptations to other computers
I don't know if this will be useful for adaptations. Because of the original game bugs, i've improved and adapted the code (mainly the AI and combat algorithm), trying to keep the original feeling.
But i will certainly release the source code because there's still the code to extract original datas, it's almost the same than the other versions. And maybe this will interest some hardcore coder of multiplayer game